onsdag den 3. oktober 2012

Anywhere is

I walk the maze of moments
But everywhere I turn to
Begins a new beginning
But never finds a finish
I walk to the horizon
And there I find another
It all seems so surprising
And then I find that I know 

You go there you're gone forever
I go there I'll lose my way
If we stay here we're not together
Anywhere is

The moon upon the ocean
Is swept around in motion
But without ever knowing
The reason for its flowing
In motion on the ocean
The moon still keeps on moving
The waves still keep on waving
And I still keep on going

You go there you're gone forever
I go there I'll lose my way
If we stay here we're not together
Anywhere is

I wonder if the stars sign
The life that is to be mine
And would they let their light shine
Enough for me to follow
I look up to the heaven
But night has clouded over
No spark of constellation
No Vela no Orion

The shells upon the warm sands
Have taken from their own lands
The echo of their story
But all I hear are low sounds
As pillow words are weaving
And willow waves are leaving
But should I be believing
That I am only dreaming 

You go there you're gone forever
I go there I'll lose my way
If we stay here we're not together
Anywhere is

To leave the tread of all time
And let it make a dark line
In hopes that I can still find
The way back to the moment
I took the turn and turned to
Begin a new beginning
Still looking for the answer
I cannot find the finish
It's either this or that way
It's one way or the other
It should be one direction
It could be on reflection
The turn I have just taken
The turn that I was making
I might be just beginning
I might be near the end.

Tyrkiet bliver angrebet af Syrien. Det er forfærdeligt.
Der bor mennesker, jeg holder af, og betragter som familie.
Flammen fra stearinlyset lyser min tapetbeklædte væg op. 
TV'et kører uden lyd. Det er ligegyldigt. 
Enyas sang fylder mine ører. Omkvædet rører mig. Det er smukt!
Teksten er så sigende. Jeg er så fascineret. Jeg hører den igen og igen.
I skal høre den. Derfor har jeg lagt videoen op. 
Jeg reflekterer... 
Jeg har taget et skridt i en ny retning. Jeg starter et nyt liv.
Hvor er jeg på vej hen? 
Jeg vil se verden. Jeg vil leve, jeg vil leve livet. 
Jeg ser en tynd model i TV - sådan vil jeg også være.
Jeg vil være lykkelig - endnu mere lykkelig, end jeg er nu.
Jeg vil synge, som jeg gjorde før. Jeg savner det.
Jeg vil gøre en forskel. 
For verden, men specielt for de adopterede og deres familier.
Jeg kæmper for forandring. For forbedringer.
Klokken er mange. 
Godnat folk 
- Choko <3